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International business 16th edition pdf free download

Now in its 16th Edition, International Business remains one of the best-selling and most authoritative international business texts available. International blogger. As rigorous and. To browse Academia. Skip to main content. Log In Sign Up. Q07mfq Dy1t0q. A Companies may gain competitive advantages by bringing together people of diverse backgrounds. B Cultural diversity is most successful when domestic and foreign firms establish joint ventures, international business 16th edition pdf free download.

C Cultural diversity may help a company gain deeper knowledge about products and services. D The process of bringing people of different national cultures together is often difficult. A A company implements practices that are less effective than intended. B Local employees are overlooked for promotions by home country managers. C Expatriate managers rely too heavily on local employees for negotiating business deals. D Foreign and international business 16th edition pdf free download companies make adjustments for the local culture and legal environment.

A Cultural variables can easily be isolated from other factors such as economic and political conditions. B Although most cultural variables are universal, international business 16th edition pdf free download, the forms these variables take differ from culture to culture.

C Most cultural variables are superficial and can easily be influenced by environmental factors. D Within a culture, everyone responds to particular cultural variables the same way. Answer: B Diff: 3 Skill: Concept Objective: Explain why culture, especially national culture, is important in IB, but tricky to assess AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 6 Businesspeople seeking to understand more about another culture in order to successfully conduct business within that culture would be international business 16th edition pdf free download advised to do which of the following?

A Cultures are static, which leads researchers to draw false conclusions from old data. B It is impossible to compare countries because of differences in data. C Responses are reported in averages, international business 16th edition pdf free downloadwhich can lead to a belief in unrealistic stereotypes.

D People are reluctant to complain about their own cultures, so they present only positive opinions to researchers. Answer: C Diff: 3 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Explain why culture, especially national culture, is important in IB, but tricky to assess AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 8 Many firms gain a global competitive advantage by fostering cultural diversity.

Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Objective: Explain why culture, especially national culture, is important in IB, but tricky to assess AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 10 The lack of cultural guidebooks and research specifically for international managers poses a significant problem for global firms.

Answer: The nation, as opposed to the State, provides a workable definition of a culture for international business because basic similarity among people is both a cause and an effect of national boundaries. The laws governing business operations also apply primarily along national lines. Within the bounds of a nation are people who largely share essential attributes, such as values, language, and race. However, these shared attributes do not mean that everyone in a country is alike, nor do they suggest that each country is unique in all respects.

A nations fail to mediate the different interests within their boundaries B self-stereotypes tend to fall along national lines C such an approach tends to be polycentric D variations tend to be great within a country state Answer: D Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: Grasp the major causes of national cultural formation and change AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 20 Certain attitudes can link groups, such as managers, from different nations more closely than managers within a given nation.

A modified significantly between childhood and adulthood B altered during adulthood through imposition C affected primarily by teenage peer pressure D acquired mainly during early childhood Answer: D Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: Grasp the major causes of national international business 16th edition pdf free download formation and change AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 23 Which of the following is a reason for global companies to NOT take religious beliefs into account?

A Religion has an impact on almost every business function. B A company could get in trouble with local religious authorities. D Religion may influence consumer behavior. A The largest portion of global output is in English-speaking countries.

C English is the official national language in most countries where FDI is encouraged. A it is less frequently used than French in international business B there is a growing disagreement over which version of English to use, e. A cultural diffusion is a two-way process B cultural trends come from emerging nations C existing national borders are shifting D material cultures are becoming universal Answer: A Diff: 2 Skill: Application Objective: Grasp the major causes of national cultural formation and change AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 32 American hamburgers, Japanese sushi, Italian pizza, Mexican tacos, and Middle Eastern pita bread are now commonly found in most countries.

A people in the port cities have more contact with foreigners B the coastal area has to trade with countries using different religious holidays C the coastal area has a culture with a higher uncertainty avoidance D the coastal area is secular, whereas the interior of Saudi Arabia has a state religion Answer: A Diff: 2 Learning Outcome: International business 16th edition pdf free download how differences international business 16th edition pdf free download culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Grasp the major causes of national cultural formation and change AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 34 Cultural change may come by choice or imposition.

Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Grasp the major causes of national cultural formation and change AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 37 Change agents intentionally cause or accelerate social and cultural change. How do such cultural differences affect business practices for international firms?

Answer: Cultures such as those in Northern Europe are called monochronic, international business 16th edition pdf free download. People prefer to work sequentially, such as finishing with one customer before dealing with another, international business 16th edition pdf free download.

Conversely, polychronic Southern Europeans are more comfortable working simultaneously with all the tasks they face. Such cultural differences affect the degree of multitasking with which people are comfortable. International companies and individuals must evaluate their business and personal practices to ensure that their behavior may fit with the culture. A a desire to convert productivity gains into more leisure time B an adherence to some attributes that lead to economic growth C the belief that material success is related to salvation D the degree of ethnocentrism exhibited in a culture Answer: B Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: Discuss major behavioral factors influencing countries' business practices AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 42 Which of the following is an example of an acquired group membership?

A power distance B fatalism C individualism D self-actualization Answer: A Diff: 2 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Discuss major behavioral factors influencing countries' business practices AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 47 Which of the following is characterized by low dependence on an organization and a desire for personal time, freedom, and challenges?

Which of the following would most likely motivate the firm's Japanese employees? A low uncertainty avoidance B high future orientation C low masculinity D high power distance Answer: B Diff: international business 16th edition pdf free download Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Application Objective: Discuss major behavioral factors influencing countries' business practices AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 53 Raj, an engineer, international business 16th edition pdf free downloadinternational business 16th edition pdf free download, works long hours and takes full responsibility for both his good and bad work performance.

A pragmatic B idealistic C fatalistic D high-context Answer: International business 16th edition pdf free download Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Discuss major behavioral factors influencing countries' business practices AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 55 A culture in which people prefer to finish one task before starting another is most accurately characterized as which of the following?

A relativism B monochronic behavior C pragmatism D uncertainty avoidance Answer: International business 16th edition pdf free download Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Discuss major behavioral factors influencing countries' business practices AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 58 National origin is an acquired group membership.

Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: Discuss major behavioral factors influencing countries' business practices AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 59 There is a strong correlation between the intensity of religious belief and attributes that lead to economic growth, such as obeying laws and thriftiness.

Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: Discuss major behavioral factors influencing countries' business practices AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 60 In a country with a high masculinity score, people have a tendency to feel sympathy towards individuals who are unemployed or homeless.

Answer: FALSE Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Discuss major behavioral factors influencing countries' business practices AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 63 In societies where trust is high, there tends to be a lower cost of doing business.

Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Discuss major behavioral factors influencing countries' business practices AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 64 A culture in which people prefer to handle tasks sequentially is a polychronic culture.

Answer: FALSE Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Discuss major behavioral factors influencing countries' business practices AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 65 Although countries are similar in terms of having a mandatory retirement age, they differ in what that age is.

Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Discuss major behavioral factors influencing countries' business practices AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 66 Where future orientation is high, people are more willing to delay gratification by investing.

Answer: FALSE Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Discuss major behavioral factors influencing countries' business practices AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 68 Geocentrism is the preferred approach to international business practices for most global firms.

Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Discuss major behavioral factors influencing countries' business practices AACSB: International business 16th edition pdf free download and multicultural work environments 69 In a short essay, describe the various affiliations upon which a person's status can be based and discuss how social stratification affects such business functions as marketing and employment practices.

Answer: a. A international business 16th edition pdf free download status is partly determined by individual factors and partly by the person's affiliation or membership in a given group. Affiliations determined by birth—known as ascribed group memberships—include those based on gender, family, age, caste, international business 16th edition pdf free download, and ethnic, racial, or national origin.

Affiliations not determined by birth are called acquired group memberships and include those based on religion, political affiliation, and professional and other associations.

Social stratification affects marketing as companies choose to use people in their advertisements whom their target market admires or associates with. Further, stratification affects employment practices such as hiring, international business 16th edition pdf free downloadpromotion, compensation, and staff-reduction. Employers in different countries are differently influenced by social stratification as they make employment decisions.

Materialism and Leisure: Historically, there is strong evidence that the desire international business 16th edition pdf free download material wealth international business 16th edition pdf free download a prime incentive for the work that leads to economic development. Expectation of Success and Reward: Generally, people have little enthusiasm for efforts that seem too easy or too difficult, where the probability of either success or failure seems almost certain.

The greatest enthusiasm for work exists when high uncertainty of success is combined with the likelihood of a very positive reward for success and little or none for failure.

Masculinity-Femininity Index: International business 16th edition pdf free download average interest in career success varies substantially among countries. In one study, international business 16th edition pdf free download, employees with a high masculinity score were those international business 16th edition pdf free download admired the successful achiever, had little sympathy for the unfortunate, and preferred to be the best rather than be on a par with others.

Needs Hierarchy: According to this theory, people try to fulfill lower-order needs sufficiently before moving on to higher ones. People will work to satisfy a need, but once it is fulfilled, international business 16th edition pdf free download, it is no longer a motivator. Diff: 3 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Application Objective: Discuss major behavioral factors influencing countries' business practices AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 71 What are the characteristics of individualist and collectivist cultures?

Answer: Attributes of individualism are low dependence on the organization and a desire for personal time, freedom, and challenge. Attributes of collectivism are dependence on the organization and a desire for training, good physical conditions, and benefits, international business 16th edition pdf free download.

International business 16th edition pdf free download those countries with high individualism, self-actualization will be a prime motivator because employees want challenges. However, in countries with high collectivism, the provision of a safe physical and emotional environment will be a prime motivator.

A All written work requires back translation in order to be understood in a second language. B International business 16th edition pdf free download languages and the common meaning of words are constantly evolving, the intended meaning of a word may be different from what the listener or reader understands.

C Some words in one language simply don't have a direct translation into another language. D Words mean different things in different contexts, international business 16th edition pdf free download, thus the wrong context may be translated. A assume that communications will go smoothly B use back-translation on all written documents C realize that words may have different meanings D assume that word international business 16th edition pdf free download are the same despite spelling differences Answer: C Diff: 2 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Recognize the complexities of cross-cultural communications AACSB: Written and oral communication 74 Jack, an American accounts manager, is preparing a presentation for a group of Japanese business people.

A normal proximity during conversations B degree of detail expected in written contract C the meaning of slang words during presentations D importance of adherence to schedules Answer: A Diff: 3 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Critical Thinking Objective: Recognize the complexities of cross-cultural communications AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 77 Assume a U.

Its executives are traveling to each country to meet with local businesspeople in the decision-making process. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Recognize the complexities of cross-cultural communications AACSB: Written and oral communication 79 A firm that begins operating in a culturally similar foreign country will most likely face few necessary cultural adjustments.

Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Recognize the complexities of cross-cultural communications AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 80 A widely successful strategy for introducing change into a foreign country is to introduce many changes simultaneously.

How do these differences affect communication in international business dealings? Answer: Low-context cultures are environments in which most people consider relevant only firsthand information that bears directly on the decision they need to make, international business 16th edition pdf free download. In business, they spend little time on "small talk. When managers from the two types of cultures deal with each other, the low-context individuals may believe the high-context ones are inefficient and time-wasters.

The high-context individuals may believe the low-context ones are too aggressive to be trusted. A physical space between people during communication B time it takes people to adjust to the language, traditions, and norms of a foreign culture C degree to which countries differ on cultural dimensions D international business 16th edition pdf free download relationship between superiors and subordinates in a given culture Answer: C Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Objective: Analyze guidelines for cultural adjustment AACSB: Analytical thinking 83 Ellen, international business 16th edition pdf free downloada U.

Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Analyze guidelines for cultural adjustment AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 92 Ethnocentric firms typically use the same business practices in all cultures and markets, international business 16th edition pdf free download. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Learning Outcome: Explain how differences in culture affect the international business environment Skill: Concept Objective: Analyze guidelines for cultural adjustment AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments 93 According to experts, stakeholder participation in decision making is effective only in countries with an educated population.

How can an international employer help international business 16th edition pdf free download culture shock and improve the success of expatriates? Answer: Culture shock is frustration arising from experiencing a new culture and having to learn and cope with a vast array of new cultural cues and expectations.

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International business 16th edition pdf free download

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